Friday, 17 March 2017

VLSI - 3
So continuing on the previous post of two current sources in series, this example is important when you analyze lot of circuits.

Lets assume you simulate with ideal current sources

Case 1 : When top current source > lower current source

Since, they are ideal current sources, it happens that they will sink or source that much current ir respective of the voltage across the sources, so it implies that currents may be unequal in single wire and the node potential in between increases.

The reason it increases is that top current source pumps in current but the down source only sinks lesser current, hence forth the rest of the current will charge up the cap at the node and hence forth increases the node potential.

Case 2 : When top current source < lower current source

Since, they are ideal current sources, it happens that they will sink or source that much current ir respective of the voltage across the sources, so it implies that currents may be unequal in single wire and the node potential in between decreases.

The reason it increases is that top current source pumps in lesser current but the down source only sinks higher current, hence forth the rest of the current will be provided by the cap at the node and hence forth decreases the node potential.

Interested studentts should find time in simulating the circuit by replacing the current sources with NMOS and PMOS and understand what will happen.

This is an important step in understanding CMFB.