Monday, 22 June 2015

GATE Preparation

Having posted all this stuff, the next responsibility would be from my end would be to put up the information about how I prepared for GATE and get a rank of 70 in Gate 2015 inspite of working in Infosys.

Although, I got AIR 751 in Gate 2014, sincerely I had put more efforts if not pain. But Gate 2015 was put more pain inside into.

I would put forth the links to the books to be downloaded shortly.

 1. SemiConductor Physics - Prof. Karmalkar NPTEL Videos & Neamen
            Read concepts well but mostly the formulae are very important in this subject. Be thorough with the proofs of each formulae because they may ask for different situations. This can happen only if u know the formulae derivation. Like in GATE they can ask u like what if the length is doubled then you tell what will be the current. If you just remember the formulae with constants, you will not be able to do so.

2. Micro Electronics - Sedra and Smith & Prof. Radha Krishnan Videos
          Read concepts well and practise a lot of problems. Identify which regions of operation is BJT,MOSFET is in. I will add shortly few links of videos regarding JFET, which are helpful.
Formulaes regarding Pinch off is important because students often miss the poliarity and end up doing it wrong.

3. Electro Magnetic Theory - Prof. Shiv Goenkar Videos and Alexander Sadiku Book
         Often the most difficult subject. Yes it is but then if you have practised the solved problems of Alexander Sadiku Book, you will surely get goot understanding.

4. Control Systems - Ogata and Nagoorkani for Practise
         It is the easiest subject and often the scoring subject. Understanding the 4 things - Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot, Bode Plot, Routh Hurth Criterio and their special cases is very important. Also the block diagram to Transfer function telling.

5. Signals and Systems - Openhiem
         This subject may seem to be difficult for few students initially but as and when you go on understanding Communications, you will be understanding thiings here in a better way. But read things well and often few direct questions from Openhiem will be given, that says the std of the text book it is

6. Communications ( Analog and Digital ) - Taub and Schilling, B.P. Lathi and my friend Harish ( Mtech IIT Hyd pursuing)
Difficult subject. But then you have to practise a lot of problems. Understanding about modulations schemes is not easy. You have spend some quality time and then you have to understand the things in a crystal clear way. Take a lot of time for this subject. Don't just run away with formulae

7. Engineering Mathematics - Few Videos in the You Tube and also few lecture notes
    Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Calcilus, Approximations are the important things. Practise few problems. It will be easy.

8. Network Theory - Alexander Sadiku Network Analysis and few un covered topics from the net. 
           If you are done with the whole book of Alexander Sadiku, then you can assume you are done in all aspects apart from Graph Theory which is not there in this book. Practise few problems in Power anaylsis. Try to understand the difference between the real and apparent power.  Take units seriously. Power factor correction is often neglected by students. Transient analysis is very important. Try to solve few questions from the placements of Texas, because they are known to be the masters of Transient analysis.

9. Digital Electronics -  NPTEL Videos of  Prof Srinivasan and Marris Mano.
Easiest subject may be if u understand and toughest if you don't. I would recommend local author book first like Anand Kumar and then practise questions from You tube and then later on read marris mano. Don' forget to read logic families. There will be few easy questions, why miss them.

Kanodia Practise Book was very helpful and I recommend you to solve it mostly for practise.
But there are many unnecessary questions in it and few wrong explanations. Don't mind them.


See, read upto November. Keep December for only practicing old question papers. Buy a hard copy book that consists of last 20 years papers. Solve each paper and see how much you are getting. Then understand the solution and see the topics again which you feel you are not comfortable.

Do it 3 times atleast so that it will be such a huge advantage that the moment you see a question from some topic then you will surely get an idea as to what or where in this question , will the questioning person will try to fool or trap us.

The next thing is to buy a test series that can be really useful for practicing.

For those who start preparing for gate after this. This should be your road map.

                  1. Up to November - Prepare to the best and pratice as good as possible.
                   2. December - Only test series and Old question Papers. Solve and Learn
                     3. January - Revise and revist things. Don't learn new things. Perfection is important.

So, with this. I will go forward with the way the journey went on.

I am reminding you about my details

                                             Gate 2015 ECE Rank:   70
                                                                    Score :    899
                                                               Category:    General


  1. Simple and exact.. All the best in whatever you are into.

  2. Plz add the videos of jfet u have talked about

    1. U can go to NPTEL and browse Dr. Radha Krishnarao ( KRK Rao) videos. Good to go through them for a thorough understanding of MOSFET and JFET required for GATE

  3. Another thing..i am preparing theory solely from nptel..i think it is enough for gate..isnt it?

    1. For GATE, U need to practise a lot too and with time bound and online calculator. So these things also come into picture and not only reading.
      All the best

  4. Previous years and kanodia will be sufficient if i practise them multiple times?

    1. See, if u do previous years papers and konodia, I won't say it would be sufficient, but it should be good enough for u have a go at GATE with confidence, but then remember that Text books are first option and on top of those, u have to rest. If u don't read proper text books, it doesn't matter what papers u do.

  5. Sir, is attempting for GATE for the third time a good idea? I got 35 marks this year. What shuold I do?

    1. If u believe that ur bad marks were due to ur lack of time for preparation. Then u should give some time and give a try.
      As long as u don't read proper text books, only coaching is not going to help u.
      So start reading text books and then parallelly do lot of practise and then try out exam.
      Good luck

    2. Thank you neeraj. your blog is very helpful to my preparation and also which IIT to choose. Keep going. We need you and your blog to continue. Cheers

    3. Thanks Siva.. Surely I will continue writing.

  6. Hi Sir,I am currently in S.E Entc.What is the right time to begin studying for gate 2019

    1. Sorry, I didn't get you. What is S.E. Entc?

  7. Entc:Electronics and Telecommunication engineering. Currently I am in Fourth sem of engineering. So, how and when should I start preparing for ECE gate 2019?

  8. Waiting for your kind reply:)

    1. Sometimes, GATE can be bad exam, due to your lack of practise but if you have good basics, you can clear it in next attempt. So i suggest you to build good basics and I guess, I have scripted things nicely in the page. Read standard texts and NPTEL videos as prescibed. When ever you are done with a sem, try to practise gate questions on those completed subjects. U can get them in net and other sources. Practise parallely. Gives you better understanding. Hope it is fine.

  9. Sir, what should be the minimum marks to be scored out of 100 in gate ece to get into one of the old iits?
