Monday, 22 June 2015

MY GATE 2015

Many people who are reading this blog might have asked themselves what is this person doing now??

So, having being frustrated with the work, I along with few other friends have started preparing for GATE. Four of us prepared and all four of us being from Infosys managed to prepare well and end up getting good ranks.

Shivananda Rapolu – AIR 303 ( AIR 400 odd in Gate 2014 ) - Seat in IISC DESE now in 2015.

Sreenu Kakunuri – AIR 141 ( AIR 500 odd in Gate 2014) - Seat in Kgp VIPES now in 2015.

Mahendra Mundru – AIR 22 ( CSE )  ( AIR 300 odd in Gate 2014 ) - Seat in IIT Bombay in 2015.

Raghavapudi VNK Neeraj ( Myself ) - AIR 70 ( AIR 751 in Gate 2014)- Seat in IIT Delhi VDTT in 2015.

You can claim that all of us have improved our ranks but then we had to write Gate again because we didn't knew many things like the Mtech RA of IIT bombay which is super for our ranks last year ones,
IIT Madras TI MS and regular MS in VLSI which are just awesome, IIT Delhi Computer Technology, JTM, JCA, Hyderabad RA and Direct Phd programmes in all IITs

Don't take rest post gate. Travel a lot. Appear for a lot of Interviews... Run Run. Run.. 

But we all had to take the pain of writing GATE again while working .

My biggest gratitude to My Parents, who have been always with me and supporting me, My Philosopher, my guide - Mr. Sudhakar Reddy ( My college HOD ), All my friends and in specific  my buddy - Harish Kumar ( studying Mtech Communications in IIT hyd).

Without Harish, a lot would have not been possible. Thanks to him from the bottom of my heart.

By now, you would have got the reason why I blogged this information. I don’t want any one to miss things because he has no information regarding it.

Hope this helps....

Getting AIR 70 didn't stop my struggles..  I travelled to many IITs still........... 

Keep viewing and get the rest of the story - Of how I failed in IISC CEDT and how I was out smarted by the Texas and How did I outsmart the Delhi Professors.. 

Keep Viewing. . 


  1. Hey.. Is it possible for you that you could provide daily schedule which you followed for the study.

    1. Hi Ruchita,
      Sorry for the late reply. But I was kind of reading upto Nov 15, rest I devoted completely for the Test series and trying to learn new things and unlearn my old mistakes. I guess, if you are confident on theory and are not too sure about the application of ur theory, then you should focus only on test series for atleast 1 month.
      Good luck
